Linking up with Modern Mrs Darcy for mid-winter life-savers.
Vitamin D
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I got the idea to start taking vitamin D from an off-hand comment by my GYN's nurse. I...
Turn the Ship Around! by David Marquet tells the engaging story of his own command on naval submarine. He explains why he chose the leadership style he did and what effect it had-- on the...
Out of all the financial gurus out there, why listen to Dave Ramsey? What sets Dave apart is his understanding of human nature and the emotional roadblocks that keep people from make good...
In ReBoren, Marc Thomas Eckel novelizes the life of John Boren, former Kosciusko County Jail Chaplain.
John appeared to be living a good Christian life, but he was harboring secret...
Practical. Informative. Inspiring.
Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy is a quick read. It is a compilation of wisdom from many gurus of time management, self-management and motivation. The...
Babies and toddlers eat books up. Literally! Get them the best.
Inside Noah's Ark
Adventure Bible for Toddlers
Thank you, God for Mommy
God Made You Special