Survival is the name of the game in parenting.
Keeping a roof over their heads, clothes on their back and food in their bellies is more than a full-time job. It’s three or four. Then you have all their medical, academic, social, emotional and psychological needs as well. How can you find time to teach them a Christian world view and how to be discerning about the trends of thought that swirl around them?
It’s a difficult task for anyone but doubly hard and doubly important when you’re in the trenches of parenting.
Who is this book for?
Mama Bear Apologetics is for you if you believe in fundamental evangelical Christianity.
It is for you if you are afraid that your kids will reject a Christian belief system and shipwreck their lives. And if you are worried about what your kids are learning and want them to embrace biblical truth and righteous living.
Even if you’re not a parent, I think the information in Mama Bear Apologetics is helpful to understand current thoughts and trends in relation to biblical truth.
What ground is covered in the book?
Mama Bear Apologetics addresses cultural lies, one chapter at a time.
In broad strokes it addresses Naturalism, Feminism, Communism, Progressive Christianity, Self-Helpism, Skepticism, Postmodernism, Moral Relativism, Emotionalism and Pluralism.
These are the battlegrounds.
Mama Bears doesn’t advocate an us against them mentality. It suggests teaching discernment to our kids by evaluating and making judgments. This leads to accepting the good and rejecting the bad.
Then, there’s the example the Mama Bears demonstrate of jumping into the conversation and unashamedly defending fundamental beliefs.
Ironically, you can apply the Mama Bear “chew and spit method” to this book as well. What is the chew and spit method? It means evaluate what you read—keep the good, leave the rest.
It shows how to be unapologetic about the standards and morals in the Bible. It doesn’t fall sway to political correctness.
Mama Bear Apologetics addresses the problem of linguistic theft. In short, linguistic theft means redefining words to support your position.
The truth is there is absolute truth. It is a fact. It’s not my truth or your truth. It exists whether we accept it, acknowledge it or understand it.
Hillary Morgan Ferrer is the founder of Mama Bear Apologetics (check out the website) and the general editor of the book. Contributing authors are Teasi Cannon, Julie Loos, Hillary Short, Rebekah Valerius, Cathryn S. Buse and Alisa Childers.
Why do I like it?
It’s hard for me to see the seduction of Christians away from biblical truth and a commitment to righteous living.
What has really drawn me to this book is the frustration I feel by not knowing how to be part of the conversation.
I’m frustrated by not having the vocabulary, not having the arguments and just not knowing how to engage our culture on an intellectual level.
Just seeing the battlefield clearly is helpful for me.
Articulating the issues helps, too.
My position doesn’t feel as lonely as it did.
In spite of the fact that it tackles difficult topics, Mama Bears is not a hard read.