Rushing Through History is a Sweet Ride



I believe America has lost her way.

She has forgotten the her founding principles and ideals.   The sacrifices made and the travail that birthed this country go unappreciated.  History is either ignored or twisted.

Rush Limbaugh’s look at the past changes that.  What better age group to target to revive our great heritage than junior high?  Hitler himself targeted that age to win over a generation.






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Rush successfully includes all the elements that fascinate and attract middle schoolers.  In the process, he emphasizes the critical principles and ideals that birthed our nation.  He highlights the fact that the experiment of communism failed in the very infancy of our country.

He emphasizes the religious beliefs that drove the pilgrims to come in the first place.









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He articulates the freedom of religion that existed from the outset and the agreements made between believers and non-believers.  It was the very beliefs of the religious that permitted the freedom for all to choose their religious beliefs, without having beliefs imposed on them by governing authorities.

These are the missing core beliefs in our culture today.

Limbaugh’s books provide the urgently needed reminder to young people of the sacrifices made for the freedoms we enjoy today.

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