Five Minute Friday: Story

This has been a good week, in spite of soccer season wrapping up with a heart break game on Wednesday.

I love, love, love this week’s word.

I believe with every fiber that story is one of the most powerful teaching tools, and probably the most underutilized.

So, three cheers for story.

Linking up today with Kate Motaung and the FMF crew.


Story is the door.

The magic door that unlocks the imagination and emotion.

Through that door we embark on our personal journey. We transcend time and leave our lives behind. We walk with the hero. We follow the guide. Our hearts beat faster as we feel the fear. We feel the despair. Our cheeks are wet with sympathetic tears.

But then, we conquer the dragon. We feel the exhilaration of victory.

We come down from the mountain, we pass through the door and return to our own lives.

But we bring the courage with us.

That’s the power of story.

It creates within us a hope that we can conquer the dragons in our world.

The Master Storyteller used it to teach eternal truths.

He invites us to co-create with Him.

To touch hearts with the power of story.


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